Cementing services demand considerable versatility. Well conditions vary greatly from well to well, even within depths and bottom hole temperatures, formation problems lost circulation zones, sensitive clays, and well formations. To service these varied needs, Superior has its own laboratory to tailor each job to the specific conditions of the well. From the formulation of the design to the actual slurry mixture, each job is tested and analyzed thoroughly. Computerized programs assist in designing the best cement job design for each well. Cementing is backed by fully-tested slurry programs, designed for wells on an individual basis and formulated with cement and additives to deliver the best quality performance. When raw materials are delivered from the manufacturer, each batch is tested to assure cement additives meet Superior’s rigid quality specifications.
Superior has a wide selection of acid blends, cement slurries and specialized additive materials. These products are effective in meeting the diverse well conditions and reservoir characteristics.
Superior has the facilities and experienced personnel to tailor a stimulation fluid or cement slurry to meet any specific requirement necessary for a successful stimulation treatment or cement job. Superior products are designed to be completely compatible with nitrogen or carbon dioxide.